Saturday, 2 January 2010

New Years Eve in "the Burgh"

No time to deal with jet lag! My arrival back in "the Burgh" was welcomed by my friends eager to enjoy the New Year festivities, which are just an extension of the Winter Festival. We checked out a fire show in the high street which was pretty awesome but seemed to get a bit out of control. There were these pillars of what should have just been smoldering embers, but the high wind turned them into raging pillars with waves of sparks hitting people. It made a for a great photo opportunity though! Fire men eventually showed up, and I recall the head lines the following day reading something hysterical like "High street and tourists go up in flames!" Ha!

I was super excited to be in the city for the world famous Edinburgh street party. My friends and I had bought tickets months in advance and had been really looking forward to it. Princes street and the gardens were awash with people! Can you imagine a party in Calgary that allows people to bring their own alcohol and drink it freely in the streets?! Only in Scotland man, only in Scotland.

From the Edinburgh Street party website:

From my very vague and blurry memory we had a great time! But I seem to recall spending a lot of time queuing for the loo in the small side streets. Amidst loosing people in our group and getting lost myself (you know, the usual chaos that occurs in these situations) by a miracle we managed to all meet up about 10 minutes before midnight. The fire works off the castle where positively spectacular! Hello 2010! Happy New Year Everyone!

My apologies- A few pictures are really blurry, I can't imagine why....

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