Wednesday 30 December 2009

A Canadian Christmas!

Christmas in Calgary was exactly what I needed to refuel, although 9 days didn't seem like enough time. I did have a minor panic when the plane was unable to leave the run way in Edinburgh due to a spontaneous dump of snow. We sat in the plane for about 2 hours waiting for the de- icer to come around. I was already feeling guilty about my carbon footprint flying home, but watching the magical rainbow of what I image to be fairly toxic sludge being sprayed all over the plane, made it even worse!

But getting my picture taken with Santa Claus at Chinook (my brother Ben!) was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. My friend Sandra and I awkwardly stood in line with manic children on sugar highs. Santa had been on a lunch break, but when the faint sound of sleigh bells began to jingle, the kids went mad! A little girl in front of us started shaking and I was convinced she was either going to pee herself or faint. I was moved to tears when Santa spoke to everyone in line. The kids all stared with their jaws hanging open. He was so kind and excited- exactly what Santa should be! I was so proud of Ben for still having so much passion for the job after a grueling month of make -up, wigs and the occasional screaming child!

On Christmas morning my Dad, my brother Robin and his girlfriend Robin took a walk in Sikome Lake to see my Mum's memorial tree. It was a stunning morning! The air was cold, but the frost on the trees was absolutely beautiful! We tied a gold bow on the tree and hung out for awhile. This ritual felt good- something I will continue to do on Christmas day forever.

Ben and his wife Kelly joined us in the afternoon to open presents, then my buddy Rob joined us for dinner. I felt pressure being responsible for cooking a massive organic turkey, but it turned out great! Toot toot!! (that's me tooting my own horn!) After dinner entertainment consisted of my brother and I having our annual light saber fight with the empty wrapping paper rolls. Very mature, I know. You may find the video of it rather comical though.

The joy of having new family in the vicinity is joining them for dessert! Kelly's brother Kevin and his wife Sarah moved in a few blocks away from Dad, so we slowly make our way there armed with yummy things. The rest of the night was spent visiting, playing foos ball in the Man Cave and dancing in the kitchen to "Dominic the Donkey". What a celebration!

We had an open house at Dad's on Boxing Day and it was such a pleasure to visit with everyone who stopped by. This is the way to go when you want to see lots of people, but don't have a lot of time. Thank you everyone for braving the bad roads and weather to come visit with me! I was really sad getting on the plane to come back, but my time in Calgary reminded me that I have a loving and supportive family and really great friends rooting for me. It was a very Merry Christmas!

Light Saber madness!

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