Monday 17 May 2010

Happy Birthday Anna!

We got back to Edinburgh from Glen Strae on Saturday the 15th, then a bunch of us went to Dunbar to celebrate Anna's birthday the following day. We stopped in town to get some provisions for the day then walked to White Sands beach. The weather was a bit sketchy in the morning but eventually came out and so did the BBQ! We had a super fun day galavanting on beach, playing games, swimming, eating delicious food and listening to music. We did have to retreat to higher ground as the tide came in, but the grassy knoll we inhabited was a great location for a game of rounders. This game is like baseball, however at some point it became more like rugby. Many bruises and lots of laughs! We slowly made our way back to the train as the sun went down. A day on the beach in the sun. Sweet!! Happy Birthday Anna!

Photo credit: Thanks Anna and Christy for some stellar photos!

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